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Onventis Invoice Processing 2025.1

Beta release date: Saturday, January 11, 2025

Release date: Saturday, January 25, 2025

Release 2025.2 is planned for March 8, 2025 (Beta) and March 22, 2025 (Production).

AI-generated coding proposals for E-invoices

AI coding proposals are revolutionizing invoice processing. Previously, AI-generated coding proposals were available for PDF invoices. This is extended with AI coding proposals for e-invoices. Be aware, this is currently only possible if you use AI coding as your standard mechanism for PDF invoices as well.

Onventis Buyer User integration login methods

The integration between Onventis Buyer and Onventis Invoice Processing has been improved. Previously, new users created in Onventis Buyer could log in to Onventis Invoice Processing using a username and password by default. This update enables Onventis staff to set block username/password logins, while enabling options like SSO (Single Sign-On) exclusively for Onventis Invoice Processing.

Customer specific set-up and changes are required!

Onventis Buyer user group synchronization to Onventis Invoice Processing

User groups in Onventis Buyer, which are often used to define roles and rights, can now be synchronized with Onventis Invoice Processing. Although user groups are not directly visible within Onventis Invoice Processing, this feature allows approval flows to be automatically based on these groups, enhancing workflow efficiency.

Customer specific set-up and changes are required!

Onventis Buyer receipt integration improvement

The integration of receipts from Onventis Buyer to Onventis Invoice Processing is now prepared to include cost center information. This enhancement ensures that users with receipt viewing rights based on cost centers can access the appropriate receipts from Onventis Buyer.

Customer specific set-up and changes are required!

Clearer Duplicate Invoice Number Warnings

A warning is displayed in Onventis Invoice Processing when a duplicate invoice number is used for a specific supplier. Previously, it was not always clear where the invoice number had already been used. This update makes it easy for users to see which invoice contains the duplicate number, allowing quick navigation to the related invoice.

Customer specific set-up and changes are required!

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