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Worklist view

The worklist can be opened both from the menu at the left-hand side and via the process tile on the Home screen. This will bring you to the following screen:


In the worklist you can always see on the right-hand side the main document which is linked to the transaction and at the left-hand side a division of the worklist and the currently selected transaction. By means of the button below, which is marked blue, you can fill the left-hand side of the screen with only the details of the selected transaction:


This way you can hide the other transactions in your worklist to focus on the selected transaction and edit it if so desired. The same happens when you press the button Edit above, which is marked orange. However, this will bring you straight to the edit mode, allowing you to immediately modify the transaction.

To the right of the button Edit you will find the buttons Generate and Reset. (Please note that ‘reset’ is optional and set during implementation.)

  • Generate: This generates the process related report. For a purchase this will be, for instance, the order PDF and for a budget the budget overview.

  • Reset: This allows you to manually re-determine the role players of a transaction. This can be necessary following an adjustment of the authorisation matrix or the booking itself. However, this is already automatically taken care of in the first step, unless it has been set up otherwise.

The button circled in green in the print screen above is an option to view the role players and the authorisation history of the selected transaction:

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