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submit bids

The customer can send a request for quotation to suppliers via the inquiry module. As a supplier, you will be informed of the receipt of a request for quotation by e-mail.

To submit a bid, you can log in directly via the link in the email or call up the request under Offers & Auctions → Tender Offers.

In the overview you see all inquiries of your customer. In the status column you can see which process step the request is currently in.

The following process steps are possible:

  • Release date

  • TB: Confirmation of participation

  • AN: Offer

  • VG: Award

You can see which processing status the request is currently in by the coloured marking:

  • Dark blue: Process step already completed

  • Light blue: Process step is still open and must be completed by the customer

  • Orange: process step is still open and must be processed by you

To participate in the inquiry, open the desired inquiry by clicking on the inquiry title or the inquiry number. By opening the individual tabs you can check the request first.

To participate in the request, confirm your participation by clicking the Confirm Participation button.

To decline the request, click the decline participation button and enter the reason for declining the bid submission. You must enter the reason in the tab Basic data → in the section Miscellaneous → in the field: External remark .

In both cases the customer will be informed by e-mail.

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