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Assignments area


  • You can make the following assignments for each material group:

    • a user group (usually the associated purchaser)

    • n – Types of costs

    • n – account assignment categories

    • n – Tasks

    • n – Delivery addresses

      • Activate delivery address assignment (only for delivery address at item level): if you select this option, the delivery address assigned for this material group is determined in the purchase orders. This setting is only valid in connection with the activation of the option Delivery addresses on item level.


Prerequisite for the assignment of cost elements to material groups is the activation of the checkbox Material groups in the organizational settings.

This assignment is carried out in order to provide users – depending on the material group – with the (possibly restricted according to the settings) predefined data as a preselection.

The Save and Close button saves the material group and displays it in the material group overview.

You can either create further material groups of the same level or their subhierarchies.

To use the menu available for the material groups and select the corresponding action, click on the arrow symbol.


New: Creation of a substructure of the material group


Delete: Delete the material group

Copy: Copying the material group for pasting at another place

Cut: Cut the material group for insertion at another location.

A possible hierarchy tree of the material groups could look as follows:


Via the“Search field” you have the possibility to search for a material group. To do this, enter the desired term in the search field, e.g. “power tool” and confirm with the OK button.

The matching material groups are displayed in a list.


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