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Shopping cart / cost centers area

  • Allocation in the item list possible (depends on other conditions): if this option is activated, the user can select the cost centers in the shopping cart items.


Please note that the assignment of cost centers to users, as well as in the case of SAP integration, depends on the SAP assignments of cost centers to company codes.

For non-SAP organizations, the dropdown for selecting cost centers in the shopping cart is only visible if a default account assignment category has been defined and the “Cost Center” field, in the Account Assignment Categories area, is an “Optional” or “Required” field for that category.

  • Maximum number of directly selectable cost centers (default 15) per item: If this option is activated, the user can assign the cost centers in the item list of the shopping cart. The selection of cost centers in the shopping cart depends on the number of cost centers assigned to the user.
    You have 100 cost centers in your Onventis Buyer. 15 were entered as the standard. In this case, the cost centers can only be selected in the shopping cart item.
    To enable the selection directly in the shopping cart item list you would have to increase the maximum number of cost centers to 100.

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