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Basic data tab - Supplier evaluation

  • Input language: Multilingualism can be maintained with a switchover

  • No.: Consecutive, if not manually overwritten

  • Title: Mandatory field in min. 1 Language

  • Header text: Description text for the questionnaires, e.g. to describe general information for the evaluators.

  • Status: Indicates the status of a survey

  • Repeating survey? If the survey is to take place at certain intervals, the check mark is set here. The number of versions is then selected

  • Start date: Sets the start of the (first) survey

  • Duration (in days): Defines the duration of a survey

  • Restart survey (in days): If a survey has been completed, this entry defines the duration of the pause between a restart (only for repeating surveys)

  • Remind participants before expiration (in days): Reminds participants X days before the end of an active survey.

  • Remind interviewer before survey starts (in days): For repeating surveys, the coordinator will get the hint

  • File(s): Attachment of files also available to the evaluators in the questionnaires.

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