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I received an email with a request for quotation of a customer by e-mail. What do I have to do now?

  1. You have received an e-mail from a customer with a request for quotation.

  2. To view the complete request , you must register with the customer’s Onventis procurement solution. Click on the link in the e-mail “Register”.

  3. Perform a supplier self-registration in your customer’s purchasing platform. If your company is not registered in the Onventis Supplier Portal, click here on <Next> (see question: “Is my organization already registered in the Onventis Supplier Portal?”).
    If your company is already registered in the Onventis Supplier Portal, you can also use the function <Transfer data> on the start page of the registration (see question “I am in the supplier self-registration for my customer. What does <Transfer data> or <next> mean?).

  4. If you clicked on <Next> in step 3, proceed as follows:
    When you have completed the registration and have been activated by your customer, you will receive an e-mail with the information that you have been added as a supplier by your potential new customer. In this e-mail, click on the link “Now connect with your customer”.

  5. You will now be taken to the “Onventis Supplier Portal” registration page. This is another registration necessary to get full access to your customer’s data. Select “Register” if your company is not yet registered in the Onventis Supplier Portal. Or choose “Login” if your company is already registered in the Onventis Supplier Portal (see question: “Is my organization already registered in the Onventis Supplier Portal?”).

  6. Perform all registration steps in the Onventis Supplier Portal.

  7. The registration in the Onventis Supplier Portal includes the entry of personal data and an e-mail address for the unique login as a user. During the registration you will receive an automatically sent system message and have to validate this e-mail address once and then log in once with this e-mail address and password.

  8. After entering and confirming your company data, you will be directed to the start page of the Onventis Supplier Portal.

  9. On the start page (Dashboard) you will now see the link to your new customer.

  10. Call up the link via <Go to account> or directly the link to the offer, e.g. “1 offer to edit“.

  11. You will be redirected to the procurement solution of your customer and can now access the quotes in the menu under “Quotes & auctions”.

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