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Dynamic traffic lights (single sourcing)

Example of a traffic light auction with dynamic traffic lights (single sourcing)

  • All bids > 300,00 Euro = red light

  • All bids <= 300,00 Euro = yellow traffic light

  • All bids <= 280,00 Euro = green light

The setting Dynamic traffic lights (single sourcing) causes that when a bid is < the value of the green traffic light (= 280.00 Euro) is submitted, e.g. 270.00 Euro, this bid is automatically set as the new value for the green traffic light and the difference to the previous value (= 10.00 Euro) is dynamically added for all other traffic lights.

This means in this example, the new value of the green traffic light is <= 270,00 Euro, the value of the yellow traffic light is <= 290,00 Euro and the red traffic light will be displayed from a bid > 290,00 Euro.

In such a constellation, it can happen that a supplier who previously received a yellow traffic light because he bid e.g. 295.00 Euro, suddenly receives a red traffic light because the value of the traffic lights has changed dynamically.

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