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Registration settings

To register (create) a supplier in Onventis Buyer, you have the following options:

  • Creation via supplier management (manual creation in the user interface; also includes adding suppliers via the network search)

  • Creation via registration form (supplier registers via the Onventis Buyer registration process and fills out the form configured by the Onventis Buyer)

  • Import via BcJob (supplier master data is imported via Excel template, Onventis proprietary XML or via SAP IDoc)

  • Registration via tender link (supplier is added as a new supplier in a tender)

Individual settings can be made for each registration type.

Clicking the New button creates a new configuration.

First, a title must be assigned and the desired registration type must be selected.

Only one configuration can be created for a registration type.

After that, the following settings can be made optionally.

Vendor system settings

Automatically extend newly created suppliers to all organizational units

IndefiniteDo not make a specific setting for this registration type.EnabledVendors are automatically extended to all organizational units; this also applies to organizational units added later.DisabledSuppliers are not automatically extended to all organizational units; this also applies if the appropriate organizational setting is set to Automatically extend newly created suppliers to all organizational units .


License package

Whether and which supplier license package should be assigned to the supplier


Vendor status that the vendor is to receive at central level (vendor master record (central)) at the start.


Order processing

Purchase order processing settings that the vendor is to receive at central level (vendor master record (central)) at the start.


Changes of the company data by my organization possible

Controls whether a change of company data by my organization should be possible.

Automatically send system access after vendor creation

Activates the automatic sending of access data after the vendor organization has been created.

If the approval workflow for the creation of suppliers is activated, the Onventis organization of the supplier is not created until approval has been given and therefore the access data is not sent until then. Manual sending of the access data is then also only possible once approval has been granted.


Order transmission path

Purchase order transfer setting that the vendor is to receive at central level (vendor master record (central)) at the start.

These can be:

  • via email

    • PDF

    • XML (openTRANS)

    • Excel

  • by fax

  • Other order method

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