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Conditions area

If conditions are to be imported, you must specify which type of conditions are to be imported. If a catalog is imported by a vendor, the sales conditions must be imported for it.


sales conditions: Sales conditions must be assigned to either a specific customer or a customer group under Assignment . In addition, the currency of the conditions can be selected.

The default currency is the same as the base currency in the company master ( Other tab).

In general, the first price per article is always read from the BMECat, e.g. <ARTICLE_PRICE price_type=”net_customer”>. However, if a catalog contains more than one price type, you can select between the types below to determine which price is imported:

  • net_list: (purchase) list price without sales tax

  • gros_list: (Purchase) list price including sales tax

  • nrp: non-binding (sales) price recommendation

  • net_customer_exp: Customer-specific final price without sales tax for express delivery

Other settings for the conditions are:

Delete own conditions of selected customer/customer group before import: If the previous conditions in the catalog are to be replaced, the checkbox must be activated.

Do not delete current conditions: If this option is activated, it is still possible for the customer to order items under the old conditions during the update process until the new conditions have been set via the release list.

Conditions must be released: If this checkbox is activated, the importer (vendor) must release the conditions via the condition release list after the import – only then are the conditions passed on to the customer for release in the customer condition release list. This allows the conditions to be checked again before they are handed over to the customer. It should be noted that this takes another day, as the release can only run overnight.

Purchasing conditions: Purchase conditions only apply when a customer imports a catalog through their account itself, not when a vendor imports a catalog for a customer.

In the case of purchasing conditions, you can specify and enter the vendor to which the conditions belong, and you can choose whether your own conditions are to be deleted from the specified vendor before the import.

By choosing Do not delete current conditions , you can specify whether the current conditions are to be retained until the new conditions are released. This means that existing articles can still be ordered until the new conditions have been implemented.

If the Conditions must be released checkbox is activated, the conditions must be released after the import via the condition release list.


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