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General / Settings area

In this area you can make general settings for the processing, display and handling of orders within Onventis.

  • Transfer shopping cart items with quantity 0 to order: with this option items with quantity 0 can be transferred to the order. This setting creates an item container for material consumption in service purchase orders that is not yet known at the time the purchase order is created.

Case study:

You hire a painter to do 10 hours of painting. At the time of the order, it is not yet known which material is required in which quantity, e.g. adhesive tape, paint, tools for the service.


You create a service purchase order with:

1st position: 10 hours painting

2nd position tool with quantity 0 (position container)

After completion of the painting work, the service provider for position 1. prepare his performance record for the hours incurred and in position 2. Add the required material, e.g. 100 litres of paint.

  • Send purchase orders with preview: for each purchase order created in Onventis, a purchase order PDF is automatically sent to the supplier by e-mail. This option allows the purchaser to view this PDF before sending the order to the supplier.

  • Do not pre-populate order title: the order title in Onventis is a mandatory field and will default to the following title: Purchase Order <current date> <time>. This title may be overwritten by the purchaser. If you do not want to use the default title for orders within your organization, you can enable this option. Thus, the orderer must enter the order title himself.

  • Activate fax function: with this option you can activate the fax function in addition to sending orders by e-mail. This means that the purchase orders generated in Onventis are sent to your suppliers at the fax number entered in the supplier administration.

  • Determine tax code automatically: You have the option in Onventis to store tax codes including the associated tax rates. If these are maintained accordingly, you can use this setting to have the system determine the appropriate control code automatically.

    • Do not change tax rate: in principle, purchasers can manually overwrite the tax rate in a purchase order. With this setting, the control rate can only be changed in conjunction with the selection of a suitable control code.

    • Automatically set tax rate to 0% for cross-border deliveries: if you activate this setting, Onventis will check if orders are sent to suppliers located outside the country of the respective organizational unit. If this condition is met, the tax rate is automatically preset to 0%.

    • Automatically set tax rate to 0% for deliveries across the external EU border: if you activate this setting, Onventis checks whether the orders are sent to suppliers who are located outside the external EU border. If this condition is met, the tax rate is automatically preset to 0%.

  • Make tax code selectable in invoices: within Onventis you have the possibility to create invoices. This setting allows the invoice issuer to select the tax code in the invoice documents.

  • Define tax code in invoices as mandatory field: with this option you define the tax code as a mandatory entry when creating invoices. Thus, no invoice can be created without selecting a tax code.

  • Define barcode in invoices as mandatory field: by activating this option, the barcode entry in invoices becomes a mandatory field and must be entered. If there is already a barcode in the order, it will be included in the invoice.

  • Orderer may not approve own orders: within Onventis you have the possibility to configure order approval workflows. Depending on the configuration, the orderer can also be the approver of his orders at the same time. If you activate this option, the approval step is skipped and the purchase order approval is sent to the next person responsible in the approval workflow.

  • Combine successive purchase order changes: You can activate this option to combine successive purchase order changes that the vendor has not yet confirmed or rejected into one purchase order change. This ensures that the vendor can always confirm or reject all changes to a purchase order.

  • Make additional fields available in orders: with this setting you can create additional fields in the order header for all newly created orders.

  • Hide quantity variance in purchase order: in the case of a purchase order confirmed by the vendor with a quantity variance, the purchase orders can only be archived after they have been posted from the goods receipt if the “Confirm quantity variance” button has been pressed. If you do not use order archiving, you can hide this button with this setting.

  • Do not allow price units with decimal places in purchase order: you can use this setting if you do not want to allow price units with decimal places in Onventis. Please note that an error message will be issued in the case of a catalog import where the articles contain decimal places. The import is only possible if you delete the decimal places from the import file.

  • Do not automatically fill the Buyer field: In the standard system, each user is assigned to a buyer. When a purchase order is created, the corresponding buyer is determined by Onventis and filled automatically. By activating this option, the purchaser must select the responsible purchaser himself.

  • Create collective credit memos by SAP company code: You have the option to create credit memos in Onventis. If you have an SAP connection, you can group collective credit memos by SAP company code by activating this option.

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