Access Onventis Buyer via Single Sign-on
If Single Sign-on is set up on your and on our Identity provider, users must call up the application via the corresponding start link of the organization in which they want to work.
The start links can be read out in each organization (test and productive system) via “Configuration / Configuration / Layout and texts / Texts / Start link”.
In your case start link for the Test- and Livesystem will be:
Testsystem: https://<PSP-NAME><GUID>
Livesystem: https://<PSP-NAME><GUID>
Single Sign-on can only be used by entering Onvnetis Buyer via the start link.
These should therefore be distributed via a landing page on the intranet or as browser favorites to your users.
However, the activation of Single Sign-on for Onventis organizations does not automatically and necessarily lead to exclusive use of Single Sign-on for logging into the Onventis organization!
Many Onventis customers have parts of their organization that use Onventis for procurement, but at the same time do not yet have many of these users in their Active Directory,
These users must still be able to procure their requirements after Single Sign-on has been activated – even without Single Sign-on.
For this reason, these users can continue to use the standard login with Onventis login name and password as long as these users use the so-called bypass links for logging in and as long as this access method is not prevented.
In your case bypass links for the Test- and Livesystem will be:
Testsystem: https://<PSP-NAME>
Livesystem: https://<PSP-NAME>