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Activating activities and events of other users, user groups, organizations, and organizational units

You can also view activities and events of other users, user groups, organizations, and organizational units as on-screen notifications and in the Activity Stream.


Notifications are only displayed for the objects and documents for which you have read permission.

Users: by clicking this field, all users are listed. By selecting the desired user, the events and activities of the selected user(s) are displayed in addition to your own. Multiple selection is possible.

User groups: by clicking this field all user groups are listed. By selecting the desired user group(s), the events and activities of the selected user group(s) are displayed in addition to your own. Multiple selection is possible.

Organizational units: by clicking this field all organizational units are listed. By selecting the desired organizational unit, the events and activities of the selected organizational unit(s) are displayed in addition to your own. Multiple selection is possible.


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