Columns in invoice overview
Checkbox: if you want to release several invoices at the same time, you can release all selected invoices by activating the checkbox(es) and the release button.
No.: the invoice number of an invoice.
Title: in the column Title you can see the invoice title, the creation date and time, the number of invoice items, as well as the number of orders. For a collective invoice, the number of orders is > 1.
Supplier: in the column Supplier you see the supplier who created the invoice or for whom the invoice was created.
Invoice date: the column Invoice date contains the date from which the payment term is calculated, e.g. Invoice date 01.01.2017 with a payment term of 14 days the invoice is due on 15.01.2017.
Creationdate: in the column Creation date you can see when the invoice was created in Onventis by the customer or supplier.
Invoice ID (barcode): in the column Invoice ID you will see an identification number, if available. With the invoice ID, scanned invoices can be uniquely identified.
Date of dispatch/service provision: in the column Date of dispatch or service provision you can see when the goods were dispatched. In the case of a service order, you see the period (from-to) on which the service was performed.
Invoice receipt date: in the column Invoice receipt date you can see when the invoice, postal or electronic, was received.
Invoice date supplier: in the column Invoice date supplier you can see the invoice date given by the supplier.
Organizational unit: in the column Organizational unit you can see the organizational unit for which the invoice was created.
Total (net): in the column Total you can see the net total of all orders and positions. The net total does not include tax.
Currency: in the column Currency you can see the invoice currency.
Status: in the column Status you can see the status of the invoice. The following statuses are possible:
For release at customer: the invoice must be checked and released by the responsible user.
Released: the invoice has been released.
Rejected by customer: the invoice was rejected by a user.
Check: in the column Check you can immediately recognize deviations in the documents by means of the traffic light display. During the check, the documents, purchase order, goods receipt, and invoice are checked for variances with regard to quantities and prices. The following scenarios can be distinguished:
Red traffic light: the purchase order item quantity and the goods receipt match, the invoice quantity differs.
Yellow traffic light: the posted goods receipt quantity and the invoice quantity match, the purchase order item quantity differs.
green traffic light: order item, goods receipt and invoice quantity match.