Shopping cart/settings area
Show links to the general terms and conditions in the shopping cart: with this option you have the possibility to show the links to the general terms and conditions of the supplier in the shopping cart.
Transfer articles from the following vendors to the requirement item: in the standard system, all items from the shopping cart are transferred to a purchase order. By activating this checkbox, items that are procured from the selected suppliers are first transferred to the requirements list and can be processed further there. The selection of the suppliers is done via the selection button.
Transfer articles of the following material groups to the requirement item: In the standard system, all items from the shopping cart are transferred to a purchase order. By activating this checkbox, all items of certain material groups are first transferred to the requirements list and can be further processed there. The selection of the material groups is done via the selection button.
By transferring the items from the shopping cart to the requirements list, you can control material procurement within your organization in a targeted manner. In the requirements list, you can bundle the items, for example, according to vendor and date or material group and thus secure savings potential for your company. |
Mandatory field check in shopping cart items: the mandatory field entry is checked at the latest when an order is sent. By activating this option, the mandatory field check already takes place in the shopping cart.
Mark supplier as mandatory field: if you activate this option, the Supplier field in the shopping cart becomes a mandatory field and must be entered. In the standard system, the vendor must first be selected in the follow-on documents.
Select inherited items: within a purchase order with several items, certain fields, e.g. account assignment information, can be inherited by further items and thus no longer have to be maintained per item. With this setting a note appears in the shopping cart and in the order in the tab Position, if fields of an article were inherited to other or all other positions.