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Create and maintain control code

To maintain a new control code, click the New button. For the administration of existing control codes, you can select the desired control code from the list.

The following fields are available for the administration of the control codes:

  • Input language: here you define the input language in which the control code is to be entered and displayed.

  • Deactivate control code: by activating this checkbox, the control code in Onventis is deactivated and can therefore not be used.

  • Code: SAP Tax Code Maintenance. In the case of SAP integration, this code must be identical to the SAP control code, e.g. V0, V1 etc.

  • Title: in the title you can enter a title for the tax code that makes sense to you, e.g. VAT 19%.

  • Tax rate: Entry of the tax rate in %, e.g. 7 for 7 percent

  • Country: Use this field to define which country in your organizational unit the tax code is assigned to. In the case of SAP integration, this assignment (control code to country) must correspond to the assignment in your SAP system.

  • Group: Use this field to define whether your organizational unit is an EU or non-EU country.

  • Delivery in: in this field you enter the country to which the goods will be delivered.

  • Country of vendor: here you maintain the country of the vendor from whom you procure the goods.

  • Service order: you should select this checkbox if you want the tax code to apply only to service orders.

  • VAT due (no reverse charge items): this checkbox is selected by default. For tax codes to be pulled into reverse charge item orders, this option must be unchecked, i.e. a 0% tax rate will only be specified for reverse charge items if this checkbox is unchecked.

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