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Fields in Change approval configuration


Description: The name of this specific change log configuration.

Table: The table for which the changes are logged.

Line table: The line table for which the changes are logged. (

Start approval process: If checked, an actual transaction is started which might need approval.

Approval process: the type of process which is started if the ‘start approval process’ box is checked.

Documents per process: If an organisation is changed, it is checked if in the past 24 hours or more recent something has changed/ been updated to any processes of this specific type which is linked to the same supplier. If processes are present, the one with the most recent start date is chosen. The document linked to that process is displayed in the change approval.

Revert changes on reject: When change approval process is rejected, the change which triggers this specific change approval will be reverted.

In the ‘column’ section the fields of the selected table are displayed. Here they can be deleted or added.

In the column ‘Track Changes’ it is visible which actual changes, will trigger a ‘change’ record.

In the column ‘Show during approval’ the visible fields in the change approval record are displayed.

In the column ‘Master record description’ a link is made to the table where the description of a specific field can be found. (e.g., organisation ID is linked to organisation table, so the name of supplier can be displayed)

Important; setting up such a change approval is not part of the default support contract. You can contact the service desk in case you are interested in this feature. They will take the required actions.

Example of change approval configuration

In the print screen above, a change approval transaction will be created when the bank number and/or Bank Identifier Code (BIC) is created, changed, or deleted. If the approver rejects the change, the change value will be reverted. If a purchase invoice transaction was changed in the past 24 hours, the document of the purchase invoice with the most recent start date will be displayed in the change approval.

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