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Item transfer to an auction, request for quotation or purchasing project

To transfer a requirement item to an inquiry, choose Transfer items to….. the action requests.

To transfer a requirement item to an auction, choose Transfer Items to….. the action auction.

To transfer a requirements item to a purchasing project, choose Transfer items to….. the purchasing project.

In the Search field you can enter the number or the title of the document and thus limit the results in the selection menu.


If you want to transfer the requirement item to a new inquiry or auction or a new purchasing project, select the action —New— in the selection box and confirm your entry with the OK button.

If you want to transfer the requirement item to an existing inquiry or auction or an existing purchasing project, select the desired document in the selection box and confirm your entries with the OK button.


When transferring items to existing inquiries or auctions, only those documents can be selected which have the status “In capture”.

When transferring items to existing purchasing projects, only those documents can be selected which have the status “Open” or “To be entered”.

As soon as you have transferred the position to an inquiry, auction or purchasing project, TradeCore automatically switches to the corresponding document.

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