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Performing the mass change

First, create or select a filter in the contract list (menu item Contracts & Documents > Contract Management > Contracts) that contains the contracts to which the mass change is to be applied.

Then click More and Mass Change in the contract list toolbar.

The mass change wizard then guides you through the necessary steps.

By clicking on Delete at the bottom right, the mass change can be cancelled at any time. The selected contracts then remain unchanged.

Contracts are not deleted at any time by the mass change.

Step 1 – Selection of contracts to be modified

Select whether all contracts of the current filter should be adjusted or further limit the selection at this point.

Step 2 – Selecting the changes to be made

The following contract data can be changed with the mass change:

User shares

The read and/or write accesses for all selected contracts can be overwritten.

This is especially helpful when responsibilities for contracts have changed within the organization.

Field contents

Changes the contents of fields in the selected contracts.

Step 3.1 – Changing User Shares

Select which users and/or user groups should have read/write access to the previously selected contracts.

Write access to contracts automatically includes read access.

If read or write authorizations are already stored in the selected contracts, these are overwritten by the mass change.

The Remove all user permissions option can be used to remove read or write permissions already stored in the contracts.

Contract creators and users who have write access to contracts of all users or read access to contracts of all users in the user administration setting are not affected by this.

Step 3.2 – Change field contents

Select the fields to be changed in the previously selected contracts. Then enter the new value on the right-hand side that is to apply to all contracts.

If a field is to be cleared in all contracts, select it but do not select a new value on the right-hand side.

If contracts based on different contract templates have been selected, the fields available in the contracts may differ.

The fields displayed in step 3 are grouped accordingly into fields that are available in all selected contracts and fields that are only partially available in the selected contracts.

Fields that are only available in some of the selected contracts are only changed in these contracts by the mass change.

Step 4 – Summary

In step 4, you receive a summary of the previously selected settings for the mass change.

Check them carefully and confirm them using the Start mass change button.

After confirming the Start mass change button, the mass change can no longer be cancelled.

The changes made cannot be revoked.

Step 5 – Confirmation

The successful execution of the mass change is confirmed.

Exit the wizard by clicking the Close button.

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