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Chat function

Within a published, still running auction you have the possibility to communicate with the participants via chat. To use the chat function, switch to the bidding overview tab in the desired auction. In the Messages section, you can see a message history.

Under Recipient you can select who is to be addressed. Here’s what you can do:

  • All: All participants in the auction are addressed and can see the messages.

  • Internal users: Only internal users are addressed and can see the messages, e.g. internal arrangements or information.

  • Suppliers: The suppliers participating in the auction can be addressed individually. A new message is entered in the New message field. The Send button can be used to send the message to the selected recipient. The message is displayed in the message history immediately after it is sent.

The same functionality is available on the supplier side, with the customer as the recipient of the messages.

The auction message history (chat) also displays the following system messages for all auction participants in real time:

  • Auction started

  • Auction was stopped

  • Auction continued

  • Auction end was changed by the customer

  • Auction is finished

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