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Automatic scoring: calculation rules of the question items

In addition to the manual evaluation of answers from the supplier, an automatic evaluation can also be set up for questions. To do this, activate the checkbox Automatic evaluation.

After activating the checkbox, the following options are available:

  • Add up all points scored

  • Only lowest score counts

  • Only the highest score counts

To clarify how it works, an example follows for each possibility:

Auto-scoring criteria are only available for response fields of type “Number”, “Date” and “Selection”.

If this question item has more than one answer field, the drop-down list can be used to specify how the score on the question item should be composed. The following three options are available:

Add up all points scored = The points of all answer fields are added up.

Example: Question item has two answer fields: “Number of employees”.
Answer field 1: “How many employees does your company employ in Germany?”
Reply box 2: “How many employees does your company employ in France?”

Based on the supplier’s response, the software automatically determines the following points:
Answer field 1: “50 employees” => 2 points
Answer field 2: “10 employees” => 1.5 points

+ 2.0 points
+ 1,5 points

=3,5 points

Only lowest score counts = Only the result of the answer field that scored the lowest score is valid. The remaining answer fields remain without consideration.

Example: Question item with three answer fields: “In which countries do you operate service branches”.
Reply box 1: “Establishment in Germany available”.
Reply box 2: ‘Establishment in France available’.
Reply box 3: “Establishment in Poland available”.

Based on the supplier’s response, the software automatically determines the following points:
Answer field 1: “No” => 1 point
Answer field 2: “Yes” => 5 points
Answer field 3: “Yes” => 5 points
Answer field 1 has the lowest score => 1 point

Only highest score counts = Only the result of the answer field that scored the highest score is valid. The remaining answer fields remain without consideration.

Example: Question item has two answer fields: “Certificates”.
Answer box 1: “Is your quality management certified?”
Response Box 2: “If you are certified, what certificate do you hold?”
(Supplier has choice between “EN ISO 9000 ff” and “We have another certificate)

Based on the supplier’s response, the software automatically determines the following points:
Answer field 1: “Yes” => 3 points
Answer field 2: “We hold another certificate” => 2 points

Answer field 1 has the highest score => 3 points

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