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Create a quote

The basic data contains an overview of all relevant data for the customer’s inquiry.

In the supplier data area, a contact person for the inquiry can be entered in the Contact person field.

In the conditions area, you have the option of entering terms of payment, terms of delivery and the validity of the offer.

In the Miscellaneous section, comments that apply to all offers can be inserted or files can be attached.

One or more files can be attached by clicking the Select… button. button. In the window that now opens, you have the option of selecting a file via the ... button to select a file. The Attach button is used to attach the file to the desired position.

With the close button you can switch back to the overview.

In the tab Texts, all important texts and information, such as general terms and conditions, conditions of purchase, information about the company and the like were integrated by the customer.

In the area positions prices can be deposited for the inquired articles. For this purpose, the individual prices can be stored on the top level. If the customer requests prices for a predefined quantity scale or if a quantity scale is to be offered, this can be stored within the article items by opening the desired article by clicking on the article description.

If the quotation item has been opened, the following data can be stored:

  • Article no.: A changed article no. can be entered in this field.

  • Unit price: Enter the unit price per price unit here.

  • Quantity scale: To enter scale prices, click on the button Quantity scale Fields open to enter quantities and prices

  • Price Type: This field defaults to Offer This Line Item. The following price types can be selected: Do not offer this position or Offer this position for free.

  • VAT rate: Change the VAT rate here, if desired.

  • Remarks: Both internal and external remarks can be entered per position.

  • Files: Per position files can be attached for the customer by clicking on the button Selection.

After a price has been entered for this position, the arrow symbols can be used to navigate to the other positions of this offer.

After you have entered a price for this position, you can navigate to the next position using the Next icon.

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