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Variant 1: Requesting system access

When a customer’s user requests his supplier to create a system access for a user, the administrators of the company account in the Onventis Supplier Portal are notified about this customer request and can process it on the Customers page.

The following options are available in the Portal:

  • Create user: Create the requested contact person as a new user using the data provided by the customer. The user is then assigned to the customer as a contact person and has system access to the supplier account with this customer. He or she receives an e-mail with a link through which he or she can set a password and access the customer via the portal.

  • Link user: If the contact person requested by your customer already has a user account in the Onventis Supplier Portal (possibly with a different e-mail address), you can simply select this account when processing the request. If he or she does not yet have system access to the customer or has not yet been assigned as a contact person, these assignments are then created.

  • Assign user: If the access request refers to a contact person who has been provided by the supplier via the Portal but does not yet have system access, the option to assign the existing user to the customer as a user and a contact is displayed instead of the above options. This releases the user as a contact person and gives him system access.

  • Dismiss request: If you do not want to create this contact person (for example, because the person does not belong to your company), you can dismiss the request. Since your customer is not automatically informed of this, we recommend that you contact your contact person at your customer.

As soon as the contact person has been assigned, the responsible vendor managers on the customer side are informed of this by e-mail.

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