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Rider position

You can add an item to the price request using the Add Item button.

The following fields are available for this purpose:

  • Position-No.: in the field Position-No. the number for the position has to be entered. The 99999 is always suggested, this number can be overwritten. This field is mandatory and must be entered.

  • Title: in the field Title you have to enter the article title. This field is mandatory and must be entered.

  • Description: in the Description field you can describe the item in more detail.

  • Quantity: in the field Quantity you have to enter the requested quantity. You must select the requested unit of measure from the drop-down menu. This field is mandatory and must be entered.

  • Material group: you can select a material group via the selection menu. Via the Selection… button you can select a material group from the entire material group list. If you as a user only have access to certain material groups, you can only see the material groups that have been assigned to you as a user.

  • External remark: in this field you can enter additional remarks in text form. This field is visible to the supplier.

  • File attachment: via the Select… button you can add an attachment to the price request. To do this, select the desired file via the ... button to select the desired file. You can enter a title in the Title field. The Attach button is used to attach the file. Use the Close button to return to the position.

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