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Goods Receiving Area

  • Goods receipt no.: the number of the goods receipt. This number is automatically generated by Onventis and can be overwritten for documents in entry.

  • External goods receipt no.In the case of a goods receipt imported from your ERP, the ERP goods receipt number is transferred here.

  • Title: the title of the goods receipt. The title of the goods receipt is generated by Onventis in the standard system and can be overwritten at any time.

  • Commission: in the field Commission you enter the commission for the goods receipt.

  • Status: the status in which the goods receipt is currently located. The following statuses are possible:

    • In entry: the goods receipt document has been created and is being processed until it is posted. Documents that are being entered can be deleted by clicking on the delete symbol.

    • Posted: the goods receipt document has been posted and can no longer be changed. Posted goods receipts can only be reversed.

    • Canceled: a posted goods receipt document was canceled.

  • Delivery note no.: if the process step LI for delivery note is activated in the order processing workflow, the delivery note number can be selected via the selection menu.

  • Order no.: the order number of the purchase order for which the goods receipt is posted. By clicking on the order no. you can call up the order directly.

  • Delivery date: in the field Delivery date you can enter the date on which the goods were delivered.

  • Barcode no.: in field Barcode no. you can enter a barcode number.

  • Carton no.: in the field Carton no. you can enter a box number.

  • Personnel no./name: in this field you can enter the personnel no. and enter the name of the person who created or posted the goods receipt.

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