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What does “linked” mean?

If you add an Onventis supplier account to your Onventis Supplier Portal (OSP) company account, this is linked with your OSP company account. This saves in the system that the supplier account and the OSP company account are “related” and represent the same legal entity.

Your company master data, as stored in the OSP, will be automatically updated in all the linked supplier accounts from this point in time. You can also manage user accounts for all Onventis suppliers centrally. The corresponding functions are blocked in the Onventis supplier account.

The individual user accounts from supplier account and OSP are also linked together: When linking an Onventis supplier account, the primary user is also linked with your OSP user account. This means that the user accounts are “related” and represent the same person. Your personal data from the OSP are automatically updated in all linked user accounts in the Onventis supplier account.

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