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Adding fields

To add a field, click the Add Field button within the area where you want to create the field.

In the menu that opens, select the desired field type from the options described below. In the dialog that opens, a field name must first be entered.

In addition, the field can be defined as a mandatory field and optionally a default value for the subsequent contract creation.

Depending on the selected field type, further setting options may be available.

Field type


Text field

Single-line text field that can be filled with any characters.

Number field

Number field that can only be filled with numbers, decimal separators and thousands separators.

The content of the field is automatically formatted according to the user’s “Number and date format” setting in the user administration.

Date field

Date field, which can only contain dates.

The date can be entered manually or selected via a selection dialog.

The content of the field is automatically formatted according to the user’s “Number and date format” setting in the user administration.

Selection field (simple)

The selection field (simple) can display individually definable options in the form of a drop-down field.

When creating a contract, exactly one value can always be selected from the drop-down field.

The choices are to be entered in the corresponding field in the creation dialog. Use a new line for each selection option.

Selection field (multiple)

The selection field (multiple) can display individually definable options in the form of a drop-down field.

When creating a contract, multiple values can be selected from the drop-down box at the same time.

The choices are to be entered in the corresponding field in the creation dialog. Use a new line for each selection option.

Selection field (Lookup)

The lookup field accesses other database tables in Onventis Buyer and displays them in the form of a dropdown field with a search option.

When creating a contract, exactly one value can always be selected from the drop-down field.

The desired database table from Onventis Buyer must be selected in the creation dialog. The following options are available:

  • User

  • User groups

  • Organizational units

  • Business divisions

  • Suppliers

  • Material groups

  • Account assignment objects of the type “Cost center

  • Account assignment objects of the type “Project

  • Account assignment objects of the category “WBS element

  • Account assignment objects of the category “Order

Dynamic date

A dynamic date field can be used to automatically calculate dates.

After confirming the dialog with the OK button, the field is created at the lowest position in the corresponding area.

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