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Edit user

A mouse click on a user’s entry in the user list opens the user detail view.

  • Access data: If the e-mail address of a user is to be changed, it must be confirmed again. After you have entered a new e-mail address, the user receives a notification e-mail to both the old and the new address. The email to the new address contains a link that must be clicked to confirm the change. The new e-mail address is only active after confirmation. As long as the change is not confirmed, both the administrator and the user can cancel the change.

  • Personal data: First name, last name and the position of the user in the company can be edited here.

  • Position: Here you can enter the position of the user in your supplier organization.

  • User role: You can assign or remove user roles to a user. Currently possible selection: “Standard user” and “Administrator” by setting and removing the checkbox (see also chapter 9.5).

  • Display language: The language can only be changed by the user himself.

  • Assigned customers: Here you can see the customers assigned to the user. The assignments can be adapted in the customer administration.

  • Send invitation again: You can resend the invitation e-mail to users who have been invited by you and have not yet completed the user registration.

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