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Manage Duplicates

In Onventis Analytics, there is a function that identifies duplicated transactions, Manage Duplicates, that you can find under the Configuration tab.

If two rows contain identical data, the system will interpret it as a duplicate. In order for system to detect duplicates, you need to set conditions to tell the system what information it has to look for. There is no limit to how many conditions you can enter, but the more conditions, the more accurate the system becomes. If the system detects a duplicate, it will save the last loaded row and remove the oldest ones.


For example, here are two transactions row, and the green columns are duplicate conditions set in the system. In this case, the system interprets the lines as duplicates as the columns contain identical data.


If the Cost Center is added, the system will interpret it as two unique rows.


To activate the function, you must click on “Hiding duplicates” under the Manage Duplicates tab. There you can also export a file with identified duplicates.



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