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Adding file attachments

File attachments must be stored in the attachments directory.

If several files with the same name are to be uploaded, additional subdirectories can be created in the attachments directory.

In the data.csv file, the file attachments belonging to a contract must be specified in the attachments column in the following form:

Example 1


Example 2


If several files are to be attached to a single contract, they must be separated by the | symbol (“pipe”) in the following form:

Example 1


Example 2


Schritt 2

The edited CSV file and all file attachments must be added back to the zip file.

The zip file can then be dragged to the File to upload here… field. can be dragged. By clicking on this field you can alternatively open the browse dialog.

After selecting the file, it is immediately uploaded and processed.

Schritt 3

If all information has been processed successfully, this is confirmed by a corresponding status message.

If errors occurred during processing, they are displayed in the Error Details area.

If the contract data was entered correctly in the data.csv file, but problems occurred when assigning the file attachments, the contracts will still be created.


The import of contracts is currently subject to the following restrictions:

  • Importing rules and reminders for contracts is not possible.

  • It is not possible to update existing contracts via the import. A contract contained in the import is always created anew.

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