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Order item area - External settings

In the Purchase Order Item area, you can make the following settings for purchase order items:

  • EAN/GTIN no. visible: Display of EAN/GTIN no. in the order item

  • Internal article number visible: Display of the internal article number in the order item.

  • Internal article number changeable for catalog items: allows the user to change the internal article number.

  • Customer item number visible: the customer’s item number is visible to the supplier

  • Commission no. visible: display of commission number on item level

  • Shipping types on item level: Display shipping types on item level. You can use this setting to select different shipping types for each item.

  • Delivery addresses on item level: Display of the delivery address on item level. This setting is useful when Onventis users, e.g. buyers, order for employees at other locations, but the delivery should be made to the employee’s location.

  • Delivery date on item level: allows to display and select the delivery date on item level. This allows the user to select a different delivery date for each item.

  • Display ‘Account assignment’ block: Display and maintenance of account assignment information for the ordered article, e.g. cost centers, WBS elements, etc.

  • Show block ‘Other’: by activating this option, the free text fields Document request, External and internal remarks, and File attachments will be activated. You can use the “Other” block to exchange internal or external information, as well as file attachments for a purchase order item with the vendor or within your organization.

  • Storage location as mandatory field: with this option, the storage location in the order item becomes a mandatory field and must be filled in before an order can be sent, .

  • Material group visible: Display of the material group in the purchase order item

  • Material group as mandatory field: with this option, the material group in the order item becomes a mandatory field and must be filled in before an order can be sent,

  • Display VAT rate: Display of the VAT rate in percent in the order item.

  • Delivery schedule possible: this option allows you to select several delivery dates for an article per order item. Delivery scheduling can be carried out on a percentage or quantity basis.

  • Multiple account assignment possible: by activating this option, the user can distribute the account assignment of an article to several account assignment objects of an account assignment category for each purchase order item. The account assignment can be made on a percentage or quantity basis.

  • Different order quantity and price unit possible: by activating this option the order quantity and price unit can differ. Example: Order quantity 1 canister (content 5 litres), price unit 10.00 Euro per 1 litre = total 50.00 Euro.

  • Display field ‘Inventory-managed’: the option for marking inventory-managed material orders is displayed in the purchase order item and can be activated manually by the user. Inventory management is stock accounting based on quantity, in which the correct stock levels can be shown by posting goods receipts and issues.

  • Set inventory managed automatically if storage location is filled in: the field Inventory managed will be set automatically as soon as a storage location is entered for order items. Prerequisite is the activation of the option: “Display field inventory managed”.

  • Display field ‘Trial tool’: Option for manual marking of trial tool in the order items.

  • Document request visible: The field “Document request” is visible in the purchase order item. By activating this option, the user can request an attachment, e.g. a delivery note from the supplier. This option is not a required field.

  • Transfer statistics-relevant delivery date to SAP: with this checkbox you activate the option “Adjust statistics-relevant delivery date” in the order item. This option is only useful for SAP integration. By activating the option, the statistics-relevant delivery date in SAP is compared with the delivery date.

  • Allow Super Admin to change account assignment data afterwards: this option allows the user who is created as Super Admin in Onventis to change the account assignment data afterwards, e.g. if a correction is necessary.

  • Make additional fields available in order items: activate this option to make the Additional Fields tab available to users in the order items. This setting applies to both free text and catalog items.

  • Display purchasing KPIs in order item: with this option you can display the KPIs valid for the article in the order item.

  • Selection of material groups from outline agreements: with this option you can map outline agreements on material group level. If you conclude outline agreements with a vendor at material group level, the value utilization of the outline agreement is checked. In the outline agreement, the value of the purchase orders is incremented with the relevant material group. By linking the material groups, you also have the option of processing free-text items via an outline agreement.

  • Display ‘Manufacturer No.’ field: You can display the manufacturer number of the item in the order items.

  • Display ‘Manufacturer’ field: You can display the manufacturer of the item in the order items.

  • Display ‘eClass’ field: You can display the eClass number for the item in the order items.

  • Show block ‘customs data’: You can display the block customs data for the article in the order items. The data is a weight entry which is maintained either in the catalog for the respective article or in the order item.

  • Show file attachments: by activating this option you have the possibility to exchange documents with the supplier. This option is only effective in connection with the activation of the option Show block other.

  • Allow entry of discounts and surcharges: by activating this option you can enter a discount or surcharge on order item level.

  • X-number of decimal places of the price: with this option you can define the number of allowed decimal places for the prices in Onventis. If you enter “2”, the prices are displayed with 2 decimal places, e.g. 10.99 Euro. If the articles in the catalogues contain more than 2 decimal places, e.g. 10.99111, the remaining decimal places are not displayed. In the background Onventis always calculates with all decimal places. This setting is only used to display the prices.

SAP Assignment: in this area you can select additional mandatory fields. These only apply to SAP integration:

  • Delivery/service recipient as mandatory field: with this option the field delivery/service recipient becomes a mandatory field and must be filled in.

  • Unloading point as mandatory field: with this option the field Unloading point becomes a mandatory field and must be filled.

GWG: In the GWG area, you can define article value limits and note texts for low-value assets within your organization.

  • Display note for an item value between X-EUR and X-EUR: here you define a value for GWGs that applies to your organization.

  • Text: in the corresponding text field you can enter a note text, which will be displayed in the shopping cart or in the order.

  • Numbering step:

    • Number items according to the following pattern: with this option you specify a numbering pattern for the order items. For example, when selecting increments of 10, position 1 = 10, position 2 = 20, and so on.

  • Drop shipment delay in days: by entering a number of days, the delivery date for a purchase order with drop shipment for the 2nd vendor is delayed by the number of days entered, e.g. delivery date is on 10.07 + 5 days = the final delivery date for vendor 2 is on 15.07.

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