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Create performance records

In the case of service purchase orders, you must, depending on the purchase order processing workflow of your customer, create a service record as proof of the service performed.

Under Order Processing → Orders you can see an overview of all your customer’s orders. Orders for which a performance record is to be created can be recognized by the orange step LN in the status column.

You can set the filter in the drop-down menu to Create service record. After you have set the filter, only those orders are displayed which have already been confirmed, but the proof of service has not yet been created.

In the order overview, you can create a service record in the Action column by clicking the New service record button.

Alternatively, you can open the desired order and create a service record via the New service record button.

In the performance confirmation, you can report the total quantity, a partial quantity, or if allowed by the customer, an overfulfillment.

If the customer allows this and has activated the option “Add further services possiblein the order processing workflow, you can add further services via the Further service… button or a catalog item via the Catalog… button. button or add a catalog item via the Catalog… button. Prerequisite:

  • Catalog article: it is an article with a condition released for the customer.

  • Additional service: Normal item, which is marked as a service.

You can send the proof of service to the customer using the Send button.

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