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Supplier data area - Orders

  • Company: via the dropdown field you can select the supplier from your supplier master. This field is mandatory and must be filled in. Via the Info … button you can view the address details of the supplier. Clicking the close button closes the window with the address details and takes you back to the basic order data.

  • Contact person: under Contact person you can enter the direct contact person at the supplier. If you have maintained contact persons for the supplier in the supplier master, you can display them using the Search… button. button to display them. Via the Transfer.svg icon you can add the desired contact person to the order. You can use the Remove button to remove the contact person again.

  • Telephone: under Telephone the telephone number of the supplier, which is stored in the supplier master, is determined automatically and transferred into the basic data of the order. If no telephone number is entered in the supplier master, the field remains empty. You can also overwrite this field at any time.

  • Order-Fax: under Order-Fax the fax number of the supplier, which is deposited in the supplier master, is determined automatically and transferred into the basic data of the order. If no fax number is entered in the supplier master, the field remains empty. You can overwrite this field at any time.
    Order e-mail: under Order e-mail, the e-mail address of the supplier, which is stored in the supplier master, is automatically determined and transferred to the basic data of the order. You can also overwrite this field at any time. By activating the Use checkbox, you can specify that the order is to be sent to the e-mail address entered in the basic order data. If you do not activate this checkbox, the e-mail address stored in the supplier master under Communication will always be used.

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