Frequently Asked Questions on the Payment Check
In this part the frequently asked questions are mentioned.
The Payment Check cannot be approved from Preparation activity. A message “Not signed or not valid bank account found. Please check and validate this before approving the payment run” appears.
The ‘approve’ button shows the message “Not signed or not valid bank account found. Please check and validate this before approving the payment run”.
One or more lines in the Payment Check will have ‘i’ icon in front of the payment line.
The bank account number is not signed or is not validated. This is the case when e.g. supplier data is imported from your source system. A bank account can be signed by clicking on the ‘i’. The user who is sighing the bank account number, needs to have the role ‘bank accounts manager’.
The Payment Check line has a ‘i’ in front of it.
Please see “The Payment Check cannot be approved. A message “Not signed or not valid bank account found. Please check and validate this before approving the payment run”.
The checkbox ‘Line approved’ is not marked for the specific payment line.
Please check in the details of the payment line which checkbox are not checked and look them up in the paragraph “Fields in a Payment Check transaction”
This message will not block the process. It will depend on your own companies protocol where you want to accept this warning, or a new payment check process should be started.
When approving the transaction from ‘Generate SEPA’ a message appears “Approval is not possible without the SEPA file attached” appears.
Please upload the SEPA file as mentioned from Step 6: Check SEPA file.
When approving the transaction from ‘Generate SEPA’ or ‘Process Payment’, the error “The SEPA payment file is not in line with the individual payment lines. Are you sure you want to continue?” appears.
There is a difference between the imported SEPA files and the payment lines which were approved in the Payment Check. Cause can be:
Payment lines were added/ deleted in financial system before creating SEPA file (and were not first imported in the Onventis application)
Payment proposal and SEPA are not matching at all (incorrect SEPA file used)
This message will not block the process. It will depend on your own companies protocol where you want to accept this warning, or a new payment check process should be started.
When approving the transaction from ‘Generate SEPA’ or ‘Process Payment’, the error “Payment file is approved, but total amount of SEPA payment file is not in line with total amount of the batch.” Appears.
Lines were added/ deleted in the payment batch in the financial system, before the SEPA file was generated.
This message will not block the process. It will depend on your own companies protocol where you want to accept this warning, or a new payment check process should be started.
In the section ‘payment file’ the box ‘matched’ is not ticked.
Please refer to When approving the transaction from ‘Generate SEPA’ or ‘Process Payment’, the error “The SEPA payment file is not in line with the individual payment lines. Are you sure you want to continue?” appears