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Account Linking

In case a user, that is part of your SAML SSO user set, already exists on our Identity Management solution, the user will be asked to perform an account linking flow on the first login. If a matching user already exists, is determined by the Email address of the user.

On the first login, the user will be requested to link the account needed for the SAML request to his existing account.


The web interface guides the user through the necessary steps. After clicking on the button, the user receives an email with a confirmation link.


By clicking on the link, the user proves access to the provided email address. When the link is opened in the same browser in which the account linking request was started, the process is completed successfully and the user is automatically logged into the system.

However, if you open the link from the email in another browser, you will be asked to continue the process by clicking on “click here to proceed”.



You must then return to the browser in which you started the process and confirm the completion of the process there


On the next login via the SSO Startlink, account linking was already done and the user will not be asked again.

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