Decline an order - Order processing
Open the desired job. The following note is displayed in the header area of the order:
To send the order confirmation to the customer, click on action > Confirm order.
To reject an order, you must first enter a reason for rejection in the Miscellaneous area / External comment field.

Open the action menu and click on the reject order button.
If you do not enter a rejection reason, the following error message is displayed:
– Please enter a reason for the order rejection! |
When you have entered the reason for rejection, you will be asked in the dialog box whether you want to reject the order.
You can confirm the process by clicking the OK button. You can cancel the process by clicking the Cancel button.

As soon as you have rejected the order, the following message is displayed:
– The order rejection was sent to the customer by e-mail |
The customer will be notified of the order rejection by e-mail.