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Settings BcJob

When you create the BcJob, you can specify whether this import is a one-time import or a standing order.

As a rule, catalog imports are carried out once, i.e. without a standing order, since these usually have a longer validity and since it must be noted that the catalog files must always be made available on the selected port (FTP or web interface).


If you would like to set up a standing order, select Standing order _ <Yes>. Then the interval for the import can be set.



Since a catalog import involves large data that places a heavy load on the server, catalog imports are not possible between 08:00 and 17:00. Imports start daily from 17:00.

activate and close

You can predefine a date and time in the import job to start the import at the earliest from this point in time. If you leave the fields empty and save the import job via, the job will be started automatically at the next possible time (17:00).

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