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Selection of the evaluation period - Order volume

You can set an evaluation period in the Date from and Date to fields. Onventis provides the following time periods in the standard system for you to choose from:

Date From: in the Date From field, you can select the start date for the report.

  • Beginning of previous month: the 1st day of the previous month. If you run the evaluation in April 2017 and make this selection, the date 01.03.2017 will be selected.

  • Beginning of previous quarter: the 1st day of the previous quarter. If you run the evaluation in April 2017 and make this selection, the date 01.01.2017 will be selected.

  • Beginning of last year: the 1st day of the previous year. If you run the evaluation in April 2017 and make this selection the date 01/01/2016 will be selected.

  • Start of the month: the 1st day of this month. If you run the evaluation in April 2017 and make this selection, the date 01.04.2017 will be selected.

  • Start of quarter: the 1st day of this quarter. If you run the evaluation in April 2017 and make this selection, the date 01.04.2017 will be selected.

  • Start of the year: the 1st day of this year. If you run the evaluation in April 2017 and make this selection, the date 01.01.2017 will be selected.

  • In addition, you can select any other date (DD.MM.YYYY) via the calendar.

Date to: in the Date to field you can select the end date for the report.

  • End of previous month: the last day of the previous month. If you run the evaluation in April 2017 and make this selection the date up to 30.03.2017 will be selected.

  • End of previous quarter: the last day of the previous quarter. If you run the evaluation in April 2017 and make this selection the date up to 30.03.2017 will be selected.

  • End of last year: the last day of the previous year. If you run the evaluation in April 2017 and make this selection the date up to 31/12/2016 will be selected.

  • Today: today’s date. If you run the evaluation on April 02, 2017, and make this selection, Date to April 02, 2017 will be selected.

  • In addition, you can select any other date (DD.MM.YYYY) via the calendar.

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