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Area Organizational unit

  • No.: here you can maintain the number of the organizational unit. If you do not make any entries in this field, the system automatically assigns a number.

  • Title: in this field you enter the title of an organizational unit. This field is mandatory and must be maintained.

  • Description: in this field you have the possibility to enter a description of the organization.

  • Type: when creating an organizational unit, you can specify the organizational type, e.g. “Department”, “Plant”, “Business Unit”, etc.

  • Standard VAT:

    • Overwrite default VAT of the organization with X%: by activating this checkbox and entering a tax rate, you can store a tax rate applicable to the organization. If an organizational unit is assigned to a user under Master Data Management → User Management → Create and Manage Users with a VAT rate that differs from the standard, the value stored in the organizational unit is preset as the default when a purchase order is created.

    • VAT. Edit duty: by activating this option the option VAT due is visible in the item list of the shopping cart. If the user activates this option in the shopping cart, the VAT will be taken from the catalog. If this option is deactivated, the value added tax is automatically deposited with 0%.

    • Preset default tax code in invoices without purchase order reference: by activating this option and selecting a tax code from the drop-down menu, a default tax code will be automatically preset for invoices without purchase order reference. If necessary, the control code can be adjusted manually. The determination of tax codes in purchase orders remains unchanged. In invoices with purchase order reference, the tax code is copied from the purchase order item to the invoice item.

Organizational units that have already been created can be downloaded and edited as an Excel file using the Export button.

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