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Organization settings – Passwords tab

In the Passwords tab, you can define password rules that should apply within your organization.


If a user enters the wrong password, your account will be locked for 2 minutes after the sixth unsuccessful attempt.


  • Different login name and password: With this setting, the login name and password must be different.

  • Minimum password length: Here you can define the minimum number of characters the password must contain.

  • Not allowed passwords: In this field not allowed passwords can be defined. These can either be separated by commas or entered line by line.

  • Password must contain letters/numbers/special characters: With these settings, the password must contain letters, numbers, or special characters.

  • Lock the last three passwords: With this setting, the last three passwords of the users are locked and cannot be selected again.

  • Password expiration after (number of days): Here you can define how long the passwords are valid.

  • Change password after 1st login: This setting is useful for new users so that they have to change the password assigned by the system or the super admin.

  • Apply password rules to existing account: This option also applies the password rules to all existing user accounts. They will then have to enter a new password that complies with the rules the next time they log in.

  • Apply password rules to all suppliers: with this setting, the password rules also apply to your suppliers.

  • Allow user to cache password in Onventis Mobile: if you use the smartphone application for Onventis “Onventis Mobile” within your organization, this setting allows you to allow users to cache passwords.

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