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Ordering area

  • Service order: if this option is activated, the order is a service order.

  • Blanket order: if this option is activated, the order is a blanket order.

  • Template order: if this option is activated, the order is a template order.

  • Consignment order: if this option is activated, the order is a consignment order. Consignment refers to a special form of delivery of goods. The vendor stores the goods at the customer’s premises in a consignment warehouse. As soon as the customer removes the goods from this warehouse, these goods are purchased. With the order, the customer notifies the supplier of the removal of the goods. The supplier replenishes the warehouse if the quantity falls below a specified level. The quantity withdrawn shall be invoiced at regular intervals. The text stored for the consignment order under Configuration → Layout and Texts → Consignment Text for Order PDF is displayed in the order PDF. You as the customer can determine the text yourself.

  • SG&A order: if this option is activated, the order is an SG&A (Selling, General and Administrative Expenses) order.

  • No.: the order number for this order. The number ranges can be defined by your Onventis administrator in the Organization Settings – Number Ranges tab. If the orders are imported from your ERP system into Onventis, the order number is taken from your ERP system.

  • Title: the title of the order. This field is mandatory and must be filled in. The title is automatically preset with the following data in the standard Onventis system: Order <DD.MM.YYY hh:mm:ss> and can be overwritten. Automatic title preassignment can be disabled by your Onventis administrator in the organization settings.

  • Document status: under Document status you can see the current status of the order.

  • Customer order number: under Customer order number you can enter the order number or purchase order number of your customer. This field is a free text field.

  • Commission no.: under Commission no. you can enter the commission number.

  • Commission: under Commission you can enter a text for Commission. This field is a free text field.

  • Project no.: under Project no. you can enter a project no. This field is a free text field.

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