Other area - Incoming goods
External remark: this field is a free text field. You can enter an additional text under external comment. The text is visible to the supplier. Via the Selection… button you can select a text module.
Hint If you enter something in the external comment field in the goods receipt, the vendor always receives a notification of the posted goods receipt by e-mail. The e-mail is also sent if you have activated the setting Send info e-mail to supplier on goods receipt confirmation in the goods receipt tab of the order processing workflow. |
Internal remark: in this field you can enter a text. The text is only visible within your organization, the internal remarks are not visible to the supplier. Via the Selection… button you can select a text module.
Remark of the customer: in this field you see the remarks, which were entered under text modules within your organization.
Files: via the Select… button you can select a file and attach it to the order. The external files are visible to the supplier.