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Secure login using an app on your phone

Onventis Analytics uses a two-factor security solution. Two factors means that as a user, you have both a personal password and an independent code from an app on your cell phone as identification.

You have installed the “Duo Mobile” app on your phone. Open the application and look for a single-use code for Onventis Analytics. A code is valid for 30 seconds. A code is valid for a few seconds after the app on your cell phone has switched to a new code. If you are unsure, just enter the next code instead.

After a number of failed attempts to enter a code, the account will be locked for 15 minutes as a security precaution. This is so that no unauthorized person will be able to guess your codes.


If you have a new phone, you must re-establish the tying from Onventis Analytics to the app in your new phone. Go here to receive help: New phone

We recommend the use of “Duo Mobile”, but there are other similar apps. Maybe you chose to use Google Authenticator when you created your account?

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