Settings area - General tab
Open PDF with intermediate dialog: If this item is activated, a popup window opens whenever a PDF file is to be created, e.g. by clicking the printer icon. Here you have the possibility to open the file or to download it from the server.
Close browser window: Closes the browser window after logging out.
Allow direct login by provider: Provides the provider with the ability to log into another user’s or vendor’s account.
Provider can change company data: by activating this checkbox, the provider has the possibility to adjust the company data in supplier accounts. This is only possible if the direct login is activated or permitted from the supplier side.
Extended user self-administration: with this checkbox you give the user the possibility to make his complete basic data and settings in the tab Extended in the user administration.
Hide login data in the user self-administration: With this setting, users cannot change their login data in the self-administration.
Login name may not be changed (password remains changeable): With this setting, users in self-administration can change the password, but not the login name.
Automatically preset and expand default catalog when searching for articles in the user cockpit : This setting can be used to enable users to search for articles in the user cockpit. The catalog marked as the default catalog is searched.
Display DUNS in vendor list: in addition to your internal vendor number, the unique DUNS number of the vendor is displayed in the list of your vendors.
Call participant in the “Notes” area as a required field: if you use the “Notes” function, the “Call participant” field is a required field when creating a note.
Activate team template assignment during position transfer to the inquiry module: If this function is active, the rules created in the team template are dragged into an inquiry and assigned to the team template when a position is transferred, e.g. from a BANF or a purchase order.
Category in the “Notes” area as a required field: if you use the “Notes” function, the “Category” field is a required field when creating a note.
Supplier can select items in the auction: if you use the “Auctions” function, the supplier can select the items of an auction that he offers.
Enable approvals via direct link without entering logon data: this enables approvers to approve purchasing documents by calling them up via direct link and without entering logon data. The prerequisite for this is the activation of the function “Enable release via direct link” in the approval step.
Do not display logon screen after approval via direct link: in the default setting, the logon screen for Onventis is displayed after approving purchasing documents. If you activate the checkbox, it will be hidden.
Require reason for rejection from approval email: when enabling this option, the approver must always enter a reason for rejection when rejecting orders. To do this, he must first register in Onventis. A rejection via direct link is not possible with this setting.
Make field “Customs tariff number” selectable from list: with this setting the user has the possibility to select a customs tariff number from a list of available numbers.
Set the field “Subject to customs declaration” by default: if this checkbox is activated, all newly created order items will always be marked as subject to customs declaration.
Suppliers must be approved: with this option you can control whether the suppliers – according to the supplier approval workflow – must be approved in Onventis.
Allow assignment of several responsible persons to an account assignment object: with this checkbox you can add several responsible persons to an account assignment object. In the case of account assignment-dependent approval workflows, the persons responsible receive a request to approve the purchasing document in accordance with the predefined rank. You can define from which order value which rank must carry out the approval of an order. For this purpose, value limits can be defined in the purchase order approval workflow and the persons responsible can be assigned on the basis of the ranking order.
The ranking should always be deposited in ascending order from 1 onwards.Example:
1st approval step:
Value limit 0-10,000 EUR Approver: “Person responsible with rank 1”.
2nd approval step:
Value limit 0-20,000 EUR Approver: “Person responsible with rank 2 “In certain scenarios, it is possible that individual ranks are not occupied by persons responsible. To avoid orders being sent out unapproved, in these cases you should fill the unfilled ranks with the next highest responsible person.
In order to avoid that the responsible persons have to approve several times one after the other, Onventis automatically combines the corresponding approval steps that are directly behind each other.Define material group in invoices as required field: with this setting you can define the material group as a required field for all invoices created in Onventis.
Assign multiple supervisors to a user: with these settings you can assign multiple supervisors to a user. This setting is useful if a user orders for other departments and the rules, e.g. of order approval workflows, of the responsible department are to apply to order processing.
Use search function for selections: with this setting you optimize the performance of the search function for dropdown fields where many selection options are available, e.g. for material groups. This reduces the loading time of the page called up in each case. This setting plays out in the background of Onventis.
Disable global email templates for all recipient organizations: You can globally disable email sending for individual email types for related organizations (for example, suppliers in a customer-supplier relationship).
This setting allows the provider organization to control the receipt of e-mail on the sender side.
If the option is active, all templates that have been deactivated under Administration → Templates → Other → Email templates will no longer be sent to connected organizations. This means that e-mails can be deactivated centrally for all suppliers or customers.Do not forward approval to super admin if cost center manager is missing: activating this option prevents the order approval from being forwarded to the super admin if the cost center manager is missing.
Renumber items in collective credit memos: in collective credit memos, the items from several purchase orders are combined in one collective credit memo; for example, item 10 may appear more than once. To avoid this, you can activate the option for renumbering items in collective credit memos.
Use search function for selections: with this setting, the dropdown fields are replaced by the Search… button. button. This setting makes searching in fields with many records, such as cost centers, more convenient. This setting is only available in the shopping cart and in the order item. The following dropdown fields are replaced by the search fields: Material Group, Cost Center, Cost Type/G/L Account, Business Area, Job (chargeable), Job (non-chargeable), Task, Order and Project.
Use text input with auto search function in invoices: with this setting you activate the auto complete function in invoices. With the Auto-Complete function, the entries are narrowed down as they are entered. This setting overrides the search function for Use selections option.
Use text input with auto search function in orders: with this setting you activate the auto complete function in orders. With this setting you activate the auto-complete function in invoices. With the Auto-Complete function, the entries are narrowed down as they are entered. This setting overrides the search function for Use selections option.
The AutoComplete function is a function which completes the search entries already during the input in a meaningful way. The proposed terms in the selection fields are narrowed down to the entries that match the entry. ![]() ![]() |
Business days: with this setting you can select the business days that are valid as delivery dates for your organization.
Calendar week: Here you distinguish the calendar week according to the setting for Europe or USA. You should note the following differences:
Start of the calendar week: in Europe, Monday is always considered the first day of the calendar week. In contrast, in the US, Sunday is always considered the first day of the calendar week.
Beginning of the year and beginning of the calendar weeks: in Europe the counting of the calendar weeks, KW01, always begins in the first week of the year in which at least four days of the new year fall or in the first week of the year in which more days fall on the new than on the old year. In the U.S., the count always begins the week in which January 1 falls, regardless of the day of the week.