Area WorldBase Marketing Plus with Linkage
Within this package, basic marketing information about a supplier or company is provided. The data relates in particular to company and address data, industry affiliation, employee information, financial data and information on the group affiliations of the requested company.
Company name: This is the officially registered name of the company.
Unregistered name: Trading forms used by the company.
Former business name: Former business name.
Former D-U-N-S number: Previous identification number assigned by D&B.
Year of incorporation: Actual year of incorporation of the company.
Legal status: This key provides information on the legal status of the company. Z. E.g. corporation, partnership and joint venture.
Business activity discontinued: Indicates whether this company is active or inactive.
Legal form code: Indicates whether this is the location of a parent company or subsidiary. Values are: 0 = single seat; 1 = head office; 2 = branch office
Only available address: The value is Y if the registered address is the only available address.
National ID: Key representing the main company identification number used in the country of establishment of the company.
National identification system: Key indicating the type of domestic identification number.
Marketable record: Indicates whether the record is marketable or not. Values are: 1=not marketable and listed; 2=not marketable and removed from the list; 3=marketable and listed.
Report Date: Date indicating when the review of all available information for the company is complete.
Address and communication data
Street: Physical address of the company. Up to 2 fields for the street entry.
House address: Line 2 of the company’s home address.
Postcode: Post code of the town in which the company is located.
Place: Name of the place where the company has its place of business.
State (Abbreviation): The 2 to 4 digit abbreviation for the state/province in which the company is located.
State: Name of the main lower authority within the country, state, region (e.g. England) in which the company concerned is based.
State Key: The two-digit key of the state or province in which the business is located.
City: The city in which the company is located.
WB Country Key: The 3-digit WorldBase key of the physical country in which the company is located.
Country: Name of the country in which the company is located.
Country ISO key: ISO key in which country the company is based.
US District Key: The three-digit key of the US district in which the company is located.
Continent Key: The one-digit key used to identify the region in which the company is located.
Telephone number: Main telephone number of the company.
Fax number: Main fax number of the company.
Telex number: te lex number of the company.
NIXIE Key: Indicates whether recently delivered mail was returned to sender as NON-DELIVERABLE. Values are: B=Both addresses undeliverable; M=Mail address undeliverable; N=No indication of undeliverable mail; P=Physical address undeliverable; Y=One of the two addresses is undeliverable.
Postal address
Postal address – Address: Displayed only if the company has a mailing address in addition to the business address.
Postal address – postcode: post code of the company’s postal address.
Postal address – location: location of the company’s postal address.
Postal Address – State (Abbreviation): The two to four digit alphabetical abbreviation of the state/province.
Postal address – State: State/province of the company’s postal address.
Mailing Address – State Key: The two-digit key representing the state/province of the company’s mailing address.
Postal address – city key: City key of the city that belongs to the postal address.
Postal address – country key: The three-digit key of the country name of the postal address.
Postal address – country: The name of the country from the postal address.
Postal address – district key: The three-digit key of the US district of the company’s postal address.
Postal address – district: Name of the district belonging to the postal address.
Postal address – continent key: The one-digit key used to identify the region from the postal address where the company is located.
Business sector: Describes the company’s activities and refers to the four-digit US SIC Code of 1987.
SIC: Official Industry Classification.
Local activity classification: Key for the local activity classification.
Activity key: Describes a particular activity key by system and/or component (e.g. US SIC Code of 1977).
Import/Export Key: Indicates whether the company either: imports materials for the purpose of resale, exports products to other countries, or does both. Values are: A=Imports/Exports/Brokers; B=Imports and Exports; C=Imports; D=Imports and Brokers; E=Exports and Brokers; F=Brokers (no stock, does not take legal claims); G=Unavailable/None; H=Exports
Title Chief Executive Officer/CEO: General title/address of chief executive officer.
Name of Managing Director/CEO: Name of the primary managing director of the company.
Member of the Executive Board – Name: Name of all persons performing executive functions. Up to 10 entries are possible.
Local employees: Number of employees at the specified address.
Employees qualified locally: Scoreboard qualifying staff locally.
Total number of employees: Number of employees employed by the company including all branches, departments and subsidiaries established elsewhere.
Total employees qualified: Indicator that qualifies the total number of employees.
Management included: Indicates whether members of management are included in the number of employees.
Financial data
Annual turnover: Sales figures of the company, usually in domestic currency.
Indicator annual sales: The key that describes the sales volume.
Annual sales volume in US dollars: Indication of the annual sales volume in US dollars.
Profit/loss in domestic currency: Profit or loss in domestic currency.
Profit/loss in US dollars: Gain or loss in US dollars.
Equity: Total net worth of the enterprise, including share capital, retained earnings-own shares, etc. in domestic currency.
Equity in US dollars: Total amount of the net worth of the company, including common stock, retained earnings-own stock, etc.-in U.S. dollars.
Balance sheet date: date of the current financial report.
Group structure
Subsidiary (0:No/3:Yes): Indicates whether the company is a subsidiary.
Group structure check date: Date indicating when the entire family tree link was checked.
Global DIAS Key: The nine-byte binary key that helps merge family members by sequencing a file according to the name of the ultimate parent and the family sequences within each group.
Global hierarchy key: A two-point key in conjunction with the status and display for subsidiaries that determines the position of a site within the group hierarchy.
Global Group Members – Number: The number of family members including global headquarters, all subsidiaries and branches.
Global parent company
D-U-N-S number: D-U-N-S number of the ultimate parent company of the company.
Company name: The legal name of the global parent company.
Address: Address of the home address of the global parent company.
Postcode: The postcode of the main global address where the company is located.
Place: Place where the global parent company is located.
City: City code of the city in which the global parent company is located.
State (abbreviation): The two- to four-digit abbreviation of the state or province in which the global parent company is located.
State: name of the primary subdivision within the country where the global parent is located. It can be a state, province or region.
WB Country Code: The WorldBase country code of the country in which the global-ultimate company is located.
Country: Country in which the global parent company is located.
District Key: The key that identifies the country of the global parent’s home address.
Continent: The one-digit key indicating the region where the global parent company is located.
Identification: Used to identify the global-ultimate enterprise member.
Domestic parent company
D-U-N-S number: D-U-N-S number of the ultimate parent company within the same country in which the company concerned is established.
Company name: The legal name of the domestic parent company.
Address: The address of the domestic parent company’s home address.
Postcode: Thepostcode of the main domestic address at which the company is located.
Place: The place where the domestic parent company is located.
State (abbreviation): The two- to four-digit abbreviation of the state or province in which the domestic parent company is located.
State: Name of the primary subdivision within the state where the domestic parent is located. It can be a state, province or region.
City: The place where the domestic parent company is located.
District key: The key that identifies the country of the domestic parent company’s home address.
D-U-N-S number: D-U-N-S number of the head office/parent company of the registered office.
Company name: The legal name of the head office/parent company.
Address: The address of the home address of the head office/parent company.
Postcode: The postcode of the head office/parent company under which the head office/parent company is located.
Place: The place where the head office/parent company is located.
State (abbreviation): The two- to four-digit abbreviation of the state or province in which the head office/parent company is located.
State: Name of the primary subdivision within the state in which the head office/parent company is located. It can be a state, province or region.
City: The city code under which the head office/parent company is located.
WB Country Code: The Worldbase country code of the country in which the head office/parent company is located.
Country: The country in which the head office/parent company is located.
District key: The key that identifies the country of the home address of the head office/parent company.
Continent: The one-digit key indicating the region in which the head office/parent company is located.