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Order list overview

Under Order Management → Order Processing → Orders you can see an overview of all orders.

Purchase orders of other users are only displayed if you have appropriate access to the external documents of other users. If you are responsible for a particular material group via a user group, you automatically have read and write access to the purchase orders for this material group.

You can configure the columns you want to display in the overview of the order list under User – Display tab. You can select the following columns:

  • No.: the order number is displayed in the No. column. This is automatically assigned by Onventis. When importing from SAP, this number corresponds to the SAP purchase order number. The order number cannot be hidden in the overview list.

  • Title: in the column Title the order title, the orderer and the number of order positions within the order are displayed.

  • Supplier: in the column Supplier the supplier to whom the order was sent is displayed.

  • Order date: in the column Order date the date on which the order was sent to the supplier is displayed.

  • Creation date: in the column Creation date the date on which the order was created is displayed.

  • Total: the total net value of the order is displayed in the Total column.

  • Status: in the column Status the current status of the order is displayed.

  • Action: in the column Action the overview of the next possible process steps for this order is displayed. The process steps depend on the order processing workflow. By clicking on the link you can create the next document directly from the order overview list.

  • Order no.: in the column Order no. the order number is displayed at the vendor.

  • Organizational unit: in the column Organizational unit the organizational unit for which the order has been created is displayed.

  • Purchasing group: in the column Purchasing group the purchasing group is displayed, which is assigned in the purchase order.

  • Currency: in the column Currency the currency in which the order has been sent to the supplier is displayed.

  • Delivery date: the delivery date for the order is displayed in the Delivery date column.
    The Delivery Date ( Header) note is displayed for the delivery date at the header level. The Delivery Date ( Item) note is displayed for the delivery date at the item level. If more than one delivery date is found in the order items, the earliest delivery date is displayed.

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