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Navigation and input via key combinations

In the incoming invoices you can navigate completely via the keyboard. The guidance is executed by means of the “Tab” key and key combinations (hot keys). The search and filling of fields is done without jumping to other pages and only by direct input in these fields.

The following key combinations are available in the area of invoice creation and processing:


Key combination

Navigation in the invoice list and within the RE items

– “Ctrl” + “↑↓”

Open a selected invoice

– “Ctrl” + “Enter”

Create a new invoice (“New” button in the invoice list)

– “Ctrl” + “E”

Delete a selected invoice (“Delete” button)

– “Ctrl” + “Del” key

Deleting a selected RE item (“Delete” button)

– “Del” key

Create a new RE item (“New” button in the item overview)

– “Ctrl” + “P”

Save and close (“Save and close” button)

– “Ctrl” + “S”

Back button

– “Ctrl” + “Back”

Register change (e.g. between “Basic data” and “Positions”)

– “Ctrl” + “↔”

Sending an invoice

– “Ctrl + Y”

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