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Automatically attach files to orders

File attachments from your own documents can be automatically attached to purchase orders, depending on the supplier.

To be able to use this function, you must first activate the option Automatically attach files to orders. In the Access field, you must activate the Internal and Assigned Companies option; under Assignment, you must activate the All Suppliers, Suppliers or Supplier Categories option.

The files are always attached to a purchase order if there is an assignment of the supplier to a document. The own document must be active and valid in the status.

The files are displayed in the purchase order in the Basic data tab under the heading Miscellaneous (external) in the field: External file(s).

The own documents are only added when sending and can also not be removed manually. Once the purchase order is in the approval workflow or has been sent directly to the supplier, the file is displayed in the External file(s) field.


If you create a copy of an existing order by clicking on the Copy record button, your own documents will be appended again automatically. In this case, please delete the duplicate before sending it.

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