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Customer can correct bids

If a supplier has inadvertently placed an incorrect bid in an auction, it may be possible to have this deleted by the customer.

In the auction, in the tab Bid overview, the number of bids can be found in the lower window area.

By clicking on the number in the column Number of bids you will get to the bid overview.

In the bid overview all bids of the suppliers can be seen with date, time, bid, rank and supplier. In addition, an Action column is displayed.

If a supplier places an incorrect bid and asks the customer to delete it, you can delete the bid using the delete_red.svg icon.

If a bid is deleted, it will be crossed out. The rank order is immediately recalculated and displayed to all participants. In the message history (chat function) the deletion of a bid (anonymous) is also displayed to inform all auction participants.

For the function Auction: Customer can correct bids a right is needed which has to be activated in the user role of the user who is allowed to conduct auctions.

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