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Navigation in the catalog tree

In the catalog tree, you can navigate through the different levels of directories, catalogs, and categories (hereafter referred to as “levels”). You have the following navigation options within the catalogs:

  • You can identify the nesting of layers by color gradation and shading. A level that contains another sublevel is represented by the arrow symbol on the right.

  • By clicking on a layer you can open it. Any other level that may already be open is automatically closed.

  • Click on the arrow symbol to the right of the layer name to open or close the layer. Any other level that may already be open is automatically closed.

  • The currently selected level is highlighted with the color defined for your organization. In the following image, the selected layer is highlighted in black:


  • If a catalog is a supplier catalog, the name of the supplier is displayed in the tooltip on mouse-over over the corresponding catalog name.


  • If the name of a directory, catalog or category is too long, the title is abbreviated. The complete title is displayed, also by mouse-over over the corresponding entry.

  • OCI and cXML catalogs (punchout), you can recognize by the punchout symbol. OCI and Punchout catalogs include all catalogs for which you can switch to the supplier’s shop system via a link from Onventis.

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